Friday, January 28, 2011

A love letter

Happy birthday to my husband. He is 71 today. I remember his 30th birthday. We have shared a lot of years together. Love is a funny and dynamic thing. I say it is dynamic because as a young woman there were things that were important to me that I kind of smile about now. All the times that I thought there was someone out there who would love me more, appreciate me more....I didn't think about the person who tolerated selfishness, PMS rages, bad meals, losing the bank deposits, not to mention illness, surgeries. The lack of daily compliments doesn't compare with trips to Europe, Wyoming and beach vacations. I have gone through many phases,but one thing has pretty much remained the same: Arnie was there. It is easy to see faults in everyone else, but not so easy to see one's own.

What I see as love today is that guy who has always been here for his family, who has always welcomed MY family in his home.Every Thanksgiving, he looks through his recipes to see what he can come up with to cook for his extended family. Although I may groan about "all the people", he is always happy to be making a dinner for his family. I remember years ago he said " I love to smell turkey cooking while my football games are on." The man who took care of my father so lovingly in his last days,who has cleaned up some unimaginable messes with me and who lovingly removes his grand-daughters foot from his head in the middle of night. We have had some spectacular fights and some spectacular make-ups! We have been through some incredibly sad experiences and some wild adventures in the past 41 years. Love is patience,tolerance and acceptance.

Thank you honey and happy birthday. I am glad to share this journey of life with you.


  1. you are both beautiful people. i feel so privileged to be privvy to lives meshed so well.

    Happy Birthday, Arnie!

    Happiness to you, Gloria!

    Beth (sam is my son; my google stuff doesn't work)

  2. I love you both as people, as friends, as adopted family. It is nice to have people in ones lives that have weathered all that life has had to dish out, and still love one another.
    Blessings on you both and Happy Birthday Arnie..
    Love Constance
