Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Beauty of It

My Mom, as I said last time, had a pretty rough week until my brother came out. He spent a week here and spent about 24 hours with my sister, who arrived on the Friday following his arrival. We picked her up at the airport after having a nice lunch out. Not only was my brother healing for my Mom, but he was wonderful company for me. I so appreciate the man that he is. He has alot of love that he shares with everyone he comes in contact with.

Although the original plan had been for the 3 of us to be here with Mom over the weekend, it ended up with each sibling being here on their own, except for the 24 hour cross-over. My sister adds a sense of calm-ness to our lives and the positive outlook and encouragement that we all need about now!

The beauty of it is that the individual visits were wonderful. Not only for my Mother, who seems to get confused with more people around her, but for me and my husband. I got to have really special, loving and quality time with both my sister and my brother. My husband got to enjoy time with each of them too.

I am so fortunate to have this relationship. I know that not everyone enjoys or loves their siblings. We all have our foibles for sure, but they don't hold us apart from one another. I feel fortunate and blessed. Thanks to both of you! I love you both.


  1. This was a wonderful post Aunt Gloria. I'm so lucky to have all of you as family! And Aunt Sharon looks so stylish in that picture. One more thing- I'm watching Who Wants To Be a Millionaire and it made me think of Grandma =]
