When I was tour guide at The Heard Museum here in Phoenix, we did a little disclaimer when we weren't sure what something was. We used to say, "We aren't really sure what this object was used for, but it is speculated that it had ceremonial purposes."
I think that the medical profession has a similar disclaimer that goes like: "It's part of the decline process." That is a good answer for anything that changes that is no medication for. (In my humble opinion.)
After the panic of January 2011,when Mom thought she would not live for the 3 days until my brother and sister arrived, there seems to be a change going on. She has always had a issue with things that are not completely orderly, but it has risen/lowered to a whole new level.
Some of the biggest and constant concerns include the locking of all doors,and the frequent checking of such.What day it is and more important,what time it is, at 5 minute increments. The proper closing of all shutter slats, the equal opening of same. The use of 4,count them: 4, squares of toilet paper....unusable if they are not
torn completely straight. Bed clothes must be put on in a certain way, no sleeping with any drawers or closet doors even slightly ajar. The sliding bathroom pocket door
is closed to left side of the grout line in the tile closest to the shower. And have all the animals been fed, the birds? Constantly; "Where is Arnie?" Although Arnie says if I leave the room,"Where is Gloria?".
Curiously, one of the constant concerns is the erosion on Gavilan Peak, a mountain visible from our kitchen table (when the shutter slats are opened). There are a couple of slopes or "grooves" or "indentations" as my Mother calls them that are of particular concern. She says they widen daily, sometimes hourly. I am called in to look at them numerous times a day. She things they will not harm us though as the mountain is about 3 streets away.
This might seem funny if you didn't live here. It also might be funny if you had NOT spent the last 25 years trying to not worry about things I can't really change. As far as going to bed with all things in order, most nights I flop into bed and don't care where anything is or if the closet door is open, closed, or off the hinges, I just want to sleep. I sure don't care if my slippers are lined up facing outward and side by side evenly.
Even my husband, who usually scoffs at my complaints is getting a bit impatient as each time he moves in his chair while watching t.v., he is reminded to check all the doors, to see if they are locked.
When I asked what is going on with Mom, it seems that after such a great time with all her out of town visitors, a decline is not uncommon. It is simply part of the process. Did I mention before that I totally get The Who song: My Generation, when they say that they hope they die before they old??? It is just too stressful for all concerned....the older and the oldees.
I know we talked about this the other day on the phone so I have nothing new to add except that this photo of you is awesome!! ;D