If anyone had told me that this would be what was going on I would have said "Are you nuts?" as seen above. I am waiting for the Hospice nurse again, God Bless them. I hate, hate, hate that my Mom's life centers around the solidity and regularity of her bowels. I don't how to put it much more delicately than that.
Today we did no bowel meds at all to see what would happen and as Emeril would say "BAM".... and what strikes me as so bizarre is: while I am cleaning I said to Mom "I can't believe how delicate your system is" and she responded,"well you never really appreciated my fraglity" To which I responded in a Southern accent"Why no, I did not realize how delicate and fragile you are ma'am" And we laughed and talked in accents while I cleaned her and the toilet.... and I thought "Wow, who woulda thought"
Tomorrow: tune in for "Hi I'm Gloria, I'm an alcoholic" and why that matters at this point.
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