Friday, August 5, 2011

And sometimes we laugh....

Just so I don't come off as a completely depressing blogger;I want to report that last night, my Mom and I laughed like crazy people.

I was putting her to bed after what had been a really tough day for her. She was quite weak and frail. She usually tells me every night that she is amazed that she ended up living:a) so long or b) with me.

Last night before she could say anything, I said "I am so glad that you are living with me. I am happy that I can take care of you. It has taught me so much and I know I am a better person for the experience." She looked up at me with her hands up,gazing into my eyes, with a sweet looking of yearning and said "Can I have a piece of kleenex?" I totally started to laugh and she did too. I said "I thought you were going to say something very profound" and she laughed and asked if I liked that word. For some reason that was hysterically funny to both of us.

As I tucked her in, she said "You know that some of the "girls" my age say they are feeling great and they can drive and do everything. I feel great too, but only when I am laying down." That,too, sent us both into lots of laughter. I love those moments.

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