Thursday, August 18, 2011


So last night my Mom sighed when I tucked her in and said,"You know I am really beginning to think I will live until I am 200!" I responded, "200, now that would be amazing,I don't think I have heard of anyone who lived to 200, outside of the Bible."
She:"What are you talking about????Lots of people live to be 200 and more!" I asked:"Are you meaning, 100?" She really got disgusted and said, "No, I have friends who lived to be 200 and even older, I need to find the Reader's Digest to show the list of names." I usually just let her talk and share the story as she sees it...but for some reason, I said, "well if you do live that long,you will have to move in with Buddy (my brother) because I don't I will be alive by then." She choked up and started to cry! I said "what is wrong?" She answered,"Its hard when a child decides to precede you in death." I said,"Mom I would be 170 yrs old if you were 200." And she answered "so?"


  1. I don't know if no one is reading or if you can't post comments...let me know.

    By the way, this downloaded photo is called a Smile from God.

  2. If she lives to be 200, she is going to be living with Toni Ann.

  3. I'm so glad you capture these conversations... I love them. And yes, she will be living with Toni Ann!

  4. It ia so wise and couragious of you to capture and share these moments.

  5. Lately I feel like it's too late to go back to school. I worry if I willI have enough energy, if I will be able to study and retain new info the way I used to, if there will be a job for me waiting on the other side of this "re-tooling", etc... If I had just 1/10 th of her faith and certainty I'm sure It would help ease all those anxieties. So I was wondering, can you give me a list of whatever meds she Is taking? Also maybe she would like to go with me, just for morale support.

    All my love to you and Rena!

