These silhouettes were done many years ago at Silvers Temple in Cleveland Ohio. I remember it being some kind of fund raiser and my Mom had these done. At the time I wasn't all that happy about it. That was the kind of kid I was. Kind of rebellious and non-cooperative. I did my own thing when I could get away with it.
My Mom was someone that I was kind of scared of because she had this sixth sense of what could happen. She told me that a mother always knows when a child lies. I asked why and she said that a line appeared on the child's forehead. From that point on I always managed to do an interesting hand to forward maneuver when I had to "fib".
My Mom knew a lot of good information and taught me many good things. I was always afraid of her predictions of what could happen,but headstrong enough to disobey her.
I still wondered as I was in the process of disobeying her what if "God really did punish me"? This was one of my Mother's biggest admonishments.
My Mom also was an amazing cook, baker and gardener. She seemed quite invincible and stalwart. I was defiant and wild for a many years. I won't go into that at this point. (my actual behaviors) Just suffice it to say Mom was good, I was not.
So who are we now? My Mom is so tiny, fragile, and doesn't remember so many things including cooking tips and other information. It makes me sad and also frustrates me at times.
I,too, feel so different than I was. What happened to the energy and curiosity? The spunkiness? I am just humbled and tired these days. Neither of us is the same. Is it just part of aging? Our situation? Wish there was a blend of the old and the now for both of us. A few dreams still out there to be fulfilled.
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