Sunday, April 1, 2012

Looking Good, at any age............

I always loved this photo...all of the women are lovely...from the youngest to the oldest. Of course, this is a professional photo,but still. We live in a world of illusion. The greatest of which is how we look.

The inspiration for this blog was my recent dental work. I am having 2 caps put on my front teeth and I am hoping that this enhances my appearance. I was thinking about it during the 3 plus hours that I spent in the dental chair. Thinking about smiling and maybe changing my hair style and looking good. Next thought was how the 2 young women working on me would get a laugh out of this (because I know what they are thinking, right?) "how does this old gal think she is going to look better? Why does she care? Look at those lines..."

Of course, this brings thoughts back to my Mom. At 89 she would look in the mirror and wish she looked better, wished she could have "some work",longed for the days of youth again. I just thought somewhat like my assumptions of those younger women..."why does she care, she is 89." Never realizing that we want to still be admired at any age!

Don't forget to tell someone today that you admire them. That you admire the way they look, the way they act and the gifts they bring to the world!


  1. i admire u and also think u look good, way better than you think.mostly you are a good friend and wise and thoughtful person and have comforted me in my times of sorrow and breakdown (more to come so get ready) i used to think my big problems were weight and thinning hair...unti i got cancer.
    love you,clamburger

  2. I admire everything about you Aunti Glo! And I bet those two women were thinking "Wow, this old gal looks great! She doesn't even need this dental work done!" Seriously, you always look fab to me. :)


  3. I admire your strength, your determination, your talent, your willingness to undertake what some would consider impossible. While I've not seen you, in person, for a while, your pictures exhibit a fine looking "chick". You are beautiful!

    Speaking of old, wrinkled, and worn, just think about yours truly!!!
    old g

  4. You guys are so funny...I wasn't looking for compliments! Just saying that we need to think about the beauty of those around and appreciate that we all want to be beautiful at any age!

  5. I feel it is very good to do things that nurture ouselves, and if fixing your teeth and a redo on the hair style make you feel better about yourself I am all for it. It is always important to remember though as we age we are not defined by that or our appearance. The challenges in our life once transformed bring light into the aura and a higher vibration is seen and felt by all. That brings beauty and youth into ourselves. I know you read the book A New Earth....take it out and re read the part about staying youthful...I really believe it is true what he says about it. I realize at this time of your life with your mom passing it's a new time for you. A void has been created...voids are opportunities to fill them with new life experiences. Feel into that. Rahne

  6. I will tell you that I admire you! and I only hope that when I'm older, I will look as wonderful as you do (not that you are old. but you understand I'm sure). We should all be so lucky. I think it's great you are doing things to make you feel good. I can't believe I hadn't clicked "follow" for your blog, so I did that now. :) love you very much, love reading your posts.

