Sunday, December 4, 2011

Then and Now: #1

Have not written anything in awhile. Holiday preparations and other things going on. All is well though. Including my son fixing my comments page.

I use this blog to verbalize thoughts that I have and walk around with...I am letting them go I guess.

I was re-filling my Mom's daily pill box and the thought occured of the first time that I did that. It was a maybe four or five years ago. My parents still lived in ChrisRidge and my Mom was recovering from a TIA and a septic bladder infection. We had hired a nurse's aid. My brother originally filled the pill box and reminded me that I would have to do this once a week after he left to go home. I felt a huge wash of panic. I never thought I could remember what pill went where, what each pill was. He actually wrote on the back of the box what went into each cup.

Wow, who how much of a no-brainer this would grow to be. Like the least of my duties today.

1 comment:

  1. I see my handwriting hasn't improved.
