I have really been kind of caught up in the day to day things of getting through each day. There have been so many things going on but this blog is about Mom, so I won't go into any other issues .
What I find fascinating is that there is always something to be learned from honest conversation. My Mom's biggest on going problems are digestive....either nothing doing or no stopping. After a particularly exhausting and messy Sunday night, Mom once again told me that if I wanted her to, she would be willing to move to a nursing home.
I responded by saying that I could handle clean up, but what I found difficult was the constant admonishments to lock the door, is the dog fed, did you feed the bird, why is that laying there? Is the laundry folded? She was amazed by that.
Her response was that she is my mother and it is her job to be reminding me of what to do, when to do it and considers that not only her job, but her way of helping. My husband said that it feels like criticism to us, but she again said that she sees this things not as criticism but as a fulfillment of her motherly duties.
Its strange to say, but in knowing that and understanding her viewpoint, it is easier to deal with. Honest talk always clarifies the situation.
Happy Thanksgiving all!